

Green: Modem online | Red: Modem problem

How to use it? Send a specificaly formated SMS to +34 648 035030

This is a gateway from SMS message to spot on SOTAwatch. It's an Spanish phone number so for outside EA or EU costs are likely!

BOTH SMS versions are supported. The official SOTA and also the SPOT SMS way (by Zsolt HG4UK) is supported using the new SSO / SOTAwatch3 login.

Android apps "SOTA Spotter" and "VK-Port-a-log" have native support for this gateway.

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Registered phone number with Andy MM0FMF

If you have registered (Contact form see SOTA.org.uk ) your phone number and callsign with Andy MM0FMF you can use all features as described here:

SMS Format info: SOTA-SMS-Format

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SPOT SMS with SOTAwatch 3 login

If you have a valid SOTAwatch3 / database login you can use this feature.

Use " " (space, blank, German: Leerzeichen) to separate the values.

The frequency must be sent in kHz ! units. Only one decimal is allowed (. or ,) but is not recommended.

Summit reference in format i.e.: OE/OO-006 (the slash and dash is mandatory)

The transmitting mode is optional and the gateway trying to guess it using the IARU Region 1 band plan.

Full syntax (recommended):

[SOTAwatch3 Username] [SOTAwatch3 Password] [Callsign] [Full Summit Ref] [Frequency in kHz] [Mode] [Comment]

SMS Example

OE5JFE pw OE5JFE/P OE/OO-006 145500 FM Now QRV

OE5JFE spots (using "OE5JFE" SOTAwatch registered callsign and "pw" password; the same as you use to login at Sotawatch) OE5JFE/P is on OE/OO-006 SOTA summit and uses 145500 kHz (145.500 MHz) in FM. Comment "Now QRV"

Short syntax:

[SOTAwatch3 User] [SOTAwatch3 Password] * [Full Summit Ref] [Frequency in kHz] [Comment]

Note: This will only work if your Callsign is equal to your Sotawatch3 username. The * is replaced with the username.

OE5JFE spots using "OE5JFE" SOTAwatch3 registered username and "pw" password.

SMS Example (short version with self-spot)

OE5JFE pw * OE/OO-006 14285 Joe calling

OE5JFE spots himself (as OE5JFE) using his SOTAwatch registered callsign and "pw" password. He's on OE/OO-006 SOTA summit and uses 14.285 MHz in SSB. Comment "Joe calling"

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This gateway tool is progammed in Python3 and runs on a Raspberry Pi 3 B at my server farm.

Upload of latest spots and status by SFTP to my webspace.

USB modem is communicating via gammu smsd and hands over the SMS to the script.

It is provided for free in best Ham spirit.

News and updates on the status on SOTA Reflector


Iñigo Bastarrika


Gasteiz, Basque Country, IN82PU

ea2cq at irratia.org

Find me on:


SOTA Reflector

Download the latest release of SpotMySota app here
